Sunday, October 5, 2008

Labradorite NaAISi3O8 to 50 percent CaAIi2si2o8 70 to 50 percent Silicate Group, subgroup feldspar

Physical features
1. Color- Dull gray.
2. Streak- Satin to iridescent.
3. Luster- Colorless.
4. Cleavage- Perfect basal.
5. Transparency- Translucent to transparent.
6. Fracture- Conchoidal
7. Hardness- 6.3
8. Forms- Granular with large crystals.
Feldspar's make up for more than 50 percent of the earths crusts, they are even more common
than quartz. This particular feldspar is Labradorite. Amazingly beautiful, this mineral is dark blue and dull. When viewed in certain angles, the shimmering surface shows iridescent colors, such as blue, green and even dark violets. Most mineral occurrences are basic to intermediate found in igneous rocks with low silica. This piece of labradorite was found in the U.S.A (New York) Scandinavia and Canada have been known for there feldspar's as well. Other minerals that can be associated with Labradorite are biotite, pyrovene and hornbled.


Geode Nodule
Geode Nodule

Geodes are oblong shaped rocks, which contain a hollow cavity lined with crystals. Some of the crystals which form on the inside of geodes can contain clear, pure quartz crystals and others have purple amethyst crystals, although agate, chalcedony, and such minerals as dolomite and calcite are also formed. Geodes form in the hollow areas of sedimentary rocks, animal burrows, tree roots, and can be formed as bubbles in volcanic rock. Overtime dissolved minerals seep into the hollow areas and harden, creating the geode. As layers of silica cool, crystals of different minerals begin to form within the cavity walls. When a geode is completely filled with crystals it's called a nodule. Geodes are formed throughout the world, but most are found in formations located in the deserts volcanic ash beds, even in limestone. Many geodes are found in the U.S.A (California, Arizona, Indiana, and many other locations) in fact the geode is Iowa's state rock.

Pyrite FeS2 Sulfide Group

Physical features
1. Color- Brassy- yellow.
2. Streak- Greenish black.
3. Luster- Shiny metallic.
4. Cleavage- Poor.
5. Transparency- Opaque crystals.
6. Fracture- Conchoidal.
7. Hardness- 6 to 6.5 .
8. Forms- Cubes, pytitohedrons often intergrown.
Pyrite is well known as fool's gold. Prospector's actually thought they had found gold, but it turned out to be the mineral pyrite. There are many varieties of pyrite, and they are the most common of the sulfide group. Pyrite has a beautiful shiny metallic luster. This mineral has been used to produce sulfur, sulfuric acid, and iron. Most occurrences are found in nodules all over the earth's crust. Pyrite was named after the Greek word for fire and if hit with steel can cause sparks. Quartz, calcite, gold,galena and many other minerals can be associated with pyrite.

Fluorite CaF Halide Group

Blue John

Physical features
1. Color- Colorless, blue, yellow green, brown, violet, and pink.
2. Streak- White.
3. Luster- Vitreous.
4. Cleavage- Perfect.
5. Transparency- Transparent to sub transparent.
6. Fracture- Conchoidal to flat.
7. Hardness- 4.
8. Forms- Cubes.
Fluorite is known for it's brilliant colors, and gets its name from the fact that it fluoresces under ultraviolet light. This attractive mineral is the natural crystalline form of calcium fluoride. Pure Fluorite is crystal clear, however can show many different shades such as violet, blue, green yellow, brown, pink, and black. The change in colors are due to tiny amounts of other elements taking place of the calcium in the molecular structure. Fluorite mostly occurs in mineralized veins in limestone bedrocks, and also in granite. The most common uses for this important mineral is flux in steel and in aluminum processing. Much of the important Fluorite deposits are in the U.S.A and can be found at Rosidare and Cave-in-rocks of Illinois, and many other places around the world.

Calcite CaCO3 Carbonate Group

Blue Calcite

Physical features
1. Color- Colorless to white
2. Streak- White to grey.
3. Luster- Vitreous to earthy.
4. Cleavage- Rhombohedral to perfect.
5. Transparency- Transparent to opaque.
6. Fracture- Difficult to obtain.
7. Hardness- 3.
8. Forms- Nail-head spa and dog-tooth spa.
Calcite is a carbonate mineral, its also a non-metallic which are evaporates. This means their crystals develop during the evaporation of water. Calcite is a major component in the igneous rock (Carbonate). The primary component in caves are calcite. Stalactites and stalagmites are made of calcite. This mineral is used for making cement, plaster and stucco. Calcite reacts with carbon dioxide and can have definite benefits on the green house effect. Organisms such as corals, algae and diatoms make their shells from calcite. These organisms can remove carbon dioxide from the water. Most mineral occurrences are worldwide, but particularly in Germany, France, Mexico and the U.S.A.

Amethyst SiO Silcate Group, subgroup Quartz

Amethyst Point

Physical features
1. Color- Pale violet to dark violet.
2. Streak- White.
3. Luster- Vitreous.
4. Cleavage- None.
5. Transparency- Transparent to opaque.
6. Fracture- Conchoidal.
7. Hardness- 7.
8. Prismatic and terminated with hexagonal pyramids.
Amethyst is the violet variety of quartz. The color varies from pale violet to dark violet. The points are usually the darkest. Most amethyst can be found in the hollows of igneous rock cavities. The amethyst gets its coloration from the ferric iron and aluminium it contains. When exposed to heat, amethyst becomes yellow to green. Much of the fine amethyst comes from Russia and Brazil, but can be found all over the world. The Greek word for amethyst is "not drunken", which was considered to be a strong antidote against drunkenness. Amethyst is also a healing crystal and is known to strengthen both endocrine and the immune systems, it was also known to be a powerful blood cleaner.

Smithsonite ZnCO3 Carbonates

Physical Features
1. Color-White, gray, blue, green, yellow, brown, pink, and colorless.
2. Streak- White.
3. Luster- Vitreous to pearly.
4. Cleavage- Perfect rhombohedal.
5. Transparency-Translucent to opaque.
6. Fracture- Uneven to conchoidal.
7. Hardness- 4-4.5.
8. Forms- Botryoidal, rhombohedal.
9. Crystal system- Hexagonal/trigonal.
Smithsonite is a mineral ore of zinc, and occurs as a secondary mineral. Smithsonite forms in dry climates as a weathering or oxidation product of primary sulfide zinc ore deposits, and in adjacent calcarous rocks. Sometimes it occurs as replacement bodies in carbonate rocks. I think this is one of the most interesting minerals in my collection because it's botryoidal forms which has the appearance of a bunch of grapes. This is a result of radiating fibrous crystals that form attachment points, and grow outward and into each other. There are significant deposits in Tsumeb, Namibia, and talso the Broken Hill mine in Zambia. Other occurrences happen in Italy, Germany, Mexico, Australia, colorado, and New Mexico.

Rose Quartz SiO Silicate Group, subgroup Quartz

One of the most common minerals on the earth is quartz. There are many varieties, this is rose quartz. The color is pale whitish-pink to dark rose pink. Magnesium, iron and titanium have been suggested to be the impurity which causes this cloudy pink. When heated the stones lose there color and will turn black when exposed to radiation. Many of these occurrences have been extracted from Brazil, which has the truest source of well formed crystals. Madagascar, California, and Maine have also been known for there rose quartz. Some also believe that rose quarts may have mystical abilities to empower love, and relieve emotional pain. I myself am a spiritual person and believe firmly in its powers.

Sulfur S -Native Metals and Nonmetals group

Physical feature
1. Color- Bright yellow to red or yellow-gray.
2. Streak- White.
3. Luster- Resinous.
4. Cleavage- on 001, 110,111.
5. Transparency- Transparent to translucent.
6. Fracture-Conchoidal to sectile.
7. Hardness- 1.5 to 2.5.
8. Forms- Tubular to pyramidal.
Light minerals, such as sulfur are naturally occurring elements or chemical compounds that contain distinct measurable physical and chemical properties. This means sulfur can occur alone in its natural state. Sulfur is known as a native element. This beautiful bright yellow to red-gray mineral is one of the oldest elements there is.
Sulfur is mostly converted to sulfuric acid and is used in fertilizers, fireworks, gunpowder and medicines. Sulfur reacts readily with oxygen and produces a pungent gas called sulfur dioxide.
This piece of sulfur is amazing in color, my favorite piece in the collection.